About EFS

The European Falabella Studbook, (or EFS) exists for and by its members.

As an association, we want a purebred horse that can be traced back 100%, at DNA level, to the original Falabella horses bred by the Falabella family in Argentina. We are therefore in close contact with the mother studbook in Argentina.

We are an association of Falabella horse lovers. Since April 15, 2021, we have been approved by the RVO in the Netherlands as a studbook association.

Our association is characterised by:

  •     registration of 100 % purebred Falabella horses;
  •     Participation of the members;
  •     Continuity through a full board;
  •     Opportunities to think along in various committees;
  •     Sharing knowledge and expertise on breeding Fallabella horses.

To this end, we would like to organise the following:

  •     An annual inspection day, with different sections and the possibility of approving your 3-year-old mare or stallion.
  •     Workshops covering various matters, from feeding and caring for your Falabella to preparing the horses for the inspections.
  •     Preparation of passports.
  •     Taking care of BVI.

This is how we monitor the purity of the Falabella horses.

Do you have any questions? Mail to the EFS and we will contact you as soon as possible.