European Falabella Studbook was founded in 2020 as a studbook association by the combined efforts of some Falabella breeders. On 7 February 2020, the statutes were laid down at the notary.
Based on the existing regulations of FSE and the existing breeding programme, the regulations and breeding programme of EFS were determined. Some adjustments were made due to some issues that most breeders objected to. The application for recognition as a passport issuing authority was submitted to the RVO in the Netherlands, after which EFS was recognised as the only Falabella studbook for the European Union.
Meanwhile, the geographical area of EFS expanded to include the following member states:
If you sell a Falabella to a breeder within the EU but outside the recognised geographical area and they become an EFS member, we will apply for extension of geographical area. The advantage of recognition is to make trade easier. The same rules apply in all EU Member States for trade in purebred animals and their live products, such as semen, ova and embryos.